Lochshell Engineering were appointed Principal Contractor by CMAL to undertake a platform replacement at Port Askaig, Islay. The platform had to be formed from fabricated painted steelwork which was to replace the existing life expired small platform located on the quay side of the linkspan ferry berth.
Lochshell Engineering’s main responsibilities throughout the contract included:
- Preparation of fabrication drawings for the new platform structure as well as guardrails.
- Removal and disposal of the existing small platform.
- Modifications to the existing concrete deck to allow new platform and mesh fencing to be installed.
- Fabrication and delivery of the new platform.
- Installation and commissioning of the new platform.
- Grit blasting and application of protective paint system, as well as application of anti-slip aggregate to the new platform.
- Modifications to the adjacent existing large platform to allow for an access point to the new small platform.
- Fabrication, delivery, installation and commissioning of new mesh surround, for both platforms, including posts, fixings and gates.
Works completed January 2017